As the opposing sides converse, the Fourth Kazekage is shocked to learn that Gaara was no longer the host of the One-Tail, and even more so that he had friends and had become the Kazekage. Intent on testing his son's mettle, the two begin battling while Ōnoki signalled the troops to move in before confronting Mū. As the battle waged on, the Fourth Kazekage is shocked to find himself trapped in Gaara's attack alongside the Second Mizukage and the Third Raikage. Seeing the sand manifest in the form of his late wife after protecting Gaara from one of his attacks, the former Kazekage realizes that Karura had been protecting Gaara his whole life. Remorsefully, the Kazekage tells his son the truth of his mother's love for him and apologized; that all he had done for Gaara was rob him of happiness, now realizing that he had actually been unable to judge the true value of things in the end. Shocked to hear the truth of his mother's love for him and what Yashamaru had been forced to lie to Gaara and say, the young Kazekage breaks down crying. Gaara would later tell his father that while his mother was truly amazing, it was his father who had finally given him medicine to heal his wounded heart. With Gaara forgiving him for his past mistakes, the Fourth smiles on as he is sealed away by his son, entrusting the village, and the future to his son.