Sasuke leaves the village alongside the Sound Four to go to Orochimaru, with Naruto joining a retrieval team composed of its leader Shikamaru, his teammate Choji, Kiba, and Neji. Only Naruto is able to reach Sasuke as the other members of the retrieval group each end up fighting a member of the Sound Four, killing the remaining members and their fifth Kimimaro with the aid of Gaara and his siblings. Having gained new powers from the full potential of Orochimaru's Cursed Mark, Sasuke attempts to kill Naruto in a fight that results with the latter taps more into the Nine-Tails chakra. With Naruto and Sasuke at their peaks of power, the two unleash their strongest attacks with Sasuke the victor as he leaves to meet with Orochimaru. However, despite losing his friend, Naruto refuses to give up on Sasuke and intends to get him back.