With almost everyone on the island is knocked out in the blast, Kuma was about to grab Luffy when he attacked by Zoro. But Zoro, reaching his limits, learns Kuma is a cyborg-like being called a Pacifista who was created by the advanced science of the World Government's leading scientist Dr. Vegapunk. Zoro attempts to offer his own life to Kuma to save Luffy, knocking out Sanji when he attempts to take Zoro's place. Impressed by Zoro's resolve, Kuma agrees not to harm Luffy in return for Zoro to subject himself to a paw print holding the extracted pain his captain when through in fighting Moria and Oars. Though warned that it would kill him in the most antagonizing way possible, Zoro accepts the ordeal while requesting to do it far from his crew. Once the deal is complete, Kuma leave while remarking the loyalty Luffy inspires in his crew. As the pirates all come to, with Luffy surprisingly energetic from having his wounds extracted, Sanji finds Zoro as he miraculously survived his near-death experience.