Though Oars recovers from Nightmare Luffy's attack, despite their initial reaction to flee, the Rolling Pirates find Luffy joined by his revived crew as they act out a final attack by ear. As Brook takes Luffy to the stop of the main mast, Nami uses her Rain Tempo to drench the zombie to be frozen in place by the low-temp air cannon Franky and Usopp built. Zoro and Sanji then proceed to ensnare Oars in a chain and straighten out his spine so a thrown Luffy can use Giant Bazooka in Third Gear to completely shatter it. With dawn approaching within minutes, the Rolling Pirates deem all is left is wake up Moria and force him to restore their shadows. But a furious Moria emerged from Oar's cockpit, realizing the Rolling Pirates' involvement in Luffy's power boost while ranting that Luffy's crew is not strong enough for what lies in the New World. Musing that Luffy absorbed only a hundred shadows to assume his Nightmare Luffy state, Moriah transforms into a giant monster by using his Shadow's Asgard ability to absorb all one thousand shadows stored in the zombies on Thriller Bark.