Chopper and Robin are outmatched by Jigoro and Inuppe, whose personalities lost most semblance to Zoro and Sanji. Chopper tells Hogback that he had once respected him, but does not anymore after realizing the true nature of Hogbacks experiments. But Hogback, revealing that his research was only for his benefit, insists his zombies are alive as he used Cindry as an example by kicking her to the floor to lick it. Then explaining the room Chopper, Usopp, and Nami found was his, Hogback then tells his story of how he met Cindry and fell in love with the performer. But both the revelation of Cindry having a fiancé and her accidental death on stage made negative impacts on Hogback as he is approached by Moriah. Hogback agreed to join his cause on the condition that he can revive her a zombie. Hogback admits that the zombified Cindry lack her original personality, but he only desired her beauty and assumes she is happy to be alive. This infuriates Chopper as he refuses to allow Hogback to continue making everyone suffer, the scientist ordering Cindry to kill the intruders so he can use their corpses in his experiments. Though Cindry is revealed to have modified superhuman strength, is nearly exposed to salt after Chopper yells that real humans have freedom. When Hogback orders Jigoro and Inuppe to kill everyone to protect Cindry, the two zombies ended up fighting each other before Robin tricks Hogback into ordering the two to jump out the tower. With Chopper intending to beat Hogback to a bloody pulp, the scientist orders Cindry to buy time for him to escape. But everyone is surprised to see a tearful Cindry as she revealed she could not move. Elsewhere, Oars finally returns to Moriah's side.