After beating the zombies, planting them into the ground upon learning they ambushed Nami, Usopp and Chopper, Luffy's group encounter an old man who pleas for their help in regaining his stolen shadow. The old man reveals his shadow and those of his fellow castaways was stolen by Gecko Moria, whom Robin explained to be one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. Luffy agrees to help as he and his group reach the manor, learning that Thriller Bark is actually a giant pirate ship. Inside the manor, though furious to find Nami, Usopp and Chopper in his lab after they were knocked in by the General Zombie Ryuma, Hogback sees no point in being upset as it is almost midnight. As midnight draws near, Absalom rallies the zombies together while the negativity-inducing ghosts converge into their master, a Gothic Lolita-style Ghost Princess named Perona. Gecko Moria, a massive, giant-like man, is awoken and informed of the Straw Hats' arrival before declaring the start of the Night Hunt.