When Zoro attempts to reclaim the Straw Hats' flag, he provoked Don Accino as he reveals the power of the Heat Heat Fruit: the ability to melt anything within his aura of heat. Luckily, before a fight could ensue, Hockera, Albelle, and Salchow manage to activate a trapdoor that sends Zoro to where the other imprisoned Straw Hats are placed save Robin. Elsewhere, Brindo and Canpacino are forced to cease their fight with Luffy when they received a call of their father being in a bad mode. As Luffy, Chopper and Jiro resolve to reach Lovely Land to reclaim their crews' flags with Puzzle following from afar, the rest of the Straw Hats are freed with indirect assistance from Robin and attempt to find their jolly roger to save face.