Two days later after returning to Water 7, Franky learns of Iceberg's plan to make the city into a ship in response of Aqua Laguna's intensity before learning that "the item" he ordered has arrived. At the temporary housing that Gallery-La arranged for the Straw Hats, Zoro is out while Kokoro, Chimeney, and Gonbe come to a visit to see Luffy sleep-eating while Nami is in a slum. But Nami's outlook changes for the best when her orange trees and the Straw Hats' other lost possessions are returned to them. Franky then arrives and explains to the Straw Hats that he used the money he stolen from them to buy a highly valuable piece of bark from the indestructible Treasure Tree Adam. Franky continues to explain that he bought the fragment of Adam to create a "dream ship" and decided to give his creation to the Straw Hats for their use. But the joyful moment is short lived when a marine platoon under Vice-Admiral Monkey D. Garp arrives to Water 7. Garp breaks into the Straw Hats' quarters and manages to hurt Luffy when he wakes him up with a punch to the head, the captain shocking the group by calling Garp his grandfather.