After the Gate of Law has completely opened, having managed to loosened Robin's tooth grip on the bridge's rim, Spandam ties a rope around her waist and drags her towards the marines awaiting them. In the process, Spandam proudly reveals to Robin that he is the son of Spandaine, the previous CP9 head who was responsible for the Buster Call at Ohara. This causes Robin to be utterly livid yet powerless as stream of tears runs down her cheeks as all seems hopeless after Franky was seemingly taken out by a mine Spandam placed at the entrance to the Bridge of Hesitation. But at the last second, an explosive projectile hits the back of Spandam's head. A stream of projectiles falls on the marines gathered around him. The culprit is revealed to be Usopp, standing on top of the Tower of Law far from the marines' firing range. Robin attempts to run towards the other side the bridge before Franky saves her from being shot by the marines, freeing her from sea stone handcuffs to vent out her rage on Spandam. As the Usopp leaves to regroup with the others, he hears something before an explosion occurs.