Maniwa engages in battle with Lil' Slugger and investigates his past. First he visits the mysterious old man (often seen writing equations and talking to himself in past episodes) at the hospital just before he dies; his last words to Maniwa are 'dance with the rabbit'. Misae tells Maniwa that Maromi and Lil' Slugger are the same being. Tsukiko is being interviewed about Maromi's conception, and among her early sketches is one of Lil' Slugger. Maniwa sees a miniature bunny girl, and remembering the old man's words, he follows to a dollmaker's shop, to find the dollmaker there making dolls of all Lil' Slugger's victims. All the dolls speak to Maniwa, telling him they want to defeat Lil' Slugger too. They plug him into an AR link to the net where he accesses Tsukiko's past. They find a case from 10 years earlier where she was attacked at twelve years old by a figure on rollerblades carrying a golden bat. Maniwa visits Tsukiko's father and finds a golden bat in the family's shed. After discovering the truth, he phones Tsukiko, telling her that her father said not to be afraid. Maromi cuts the phone cable. Maniwa appears and fights a giant Lil' Slugger with the original bat. After the fight ends in a draw, Tsukiko and Maromi disappear into the cartoon world, and all traces of Maromi vanish from the human world.