Having taken three Rumble Balls, Chopper transforms into his berserk Monster Point form and easily defeats Kumadori despite his attempts to subdue the instinct-driven beast. Seeing the unconscious Kumadori being thrown towards Courthouse Plaza after getting Fukuro's number four key, deducing Kalifa has the key needed to free Zoro and Usopp, Franky finds himself being knocked off the tower by Chopper. Chopper then begins to climb up the outer wall. Meanwhile, after being momentarily weaken while Kalifa had her bath before she gets herself dressed, Nami realizes the essence of Kalifa's Devil Fruit power to be soap-related. Kalifa explains her ingestion of the Bubble-Bubble Fruit allowed her to produce foam from her body that "cleans" her opponent's body of any strength, using her touch to make Nami's legs glossy and smooth to render her unable to walk. At the same time, covering for Spandam so he can get Robin to the Gates of Justice, Lucci waits for Luffy as the pirate eventually reaches his location.