With Raiga seemingly dead, the gang heads back to find Karashi waiting for them. It turns out to be a trap as the Kurosuke Family ambushes them. Luckily, Naruto fools them not once, but twice, with his clones. With the enemies defeated, the villagers focus their anger on Karashi. Rock Lee intercepts them and says that Karashi is still young and weak, and that it is partially his fault Karashi joined the Kuruki Family. Lee begs them to let him return to his mother, promising to punish Karashi himself if he should fall from grace. The villagers agree and the group heads back, but not before picking up Ranmaru. They head back to the Curry of Life shop for a meal, where Naruto tries to retrieve information from Ranmaru. Ranmaru has Karashi take him to the canyon where Raiga fell, and uses his own chakra to revive him.