While guiding them out of the giant whale Laboon, its caretaker, Crocus, tells the whale's story to the Straw Hats, that it was left behind by a group of pirates when they began their journey through the Grand Line and abandoned when they fled through one of the calm belts and that once he told Laboon what had happened, the whale started ramming its head against the Red Line, not believing what Crocus said because that would mean losing its reason to wait. After hearing that, Luffy picks a fight with the whale, breaks it off and declares it to be a draw. Then he promises to return to finish the fight. Nami tries to plot a course, but is unable to do so because her compass does not point in a single direction. Crocus explains how the Grand Line is navigated and that a log pose is needed. In return for helping Laboon, he gives them a log pose and the Straw Hats set sail for Whiskey Peak, the home town of Mr. 9 and Miss Wednesday, whom they are taking along.[n 7]