Luffy hands the three swords to Zoro in exchange for Zoro joining his crew. Luffy and Morgan engage in battle. All of Morgan's attacks miss and Luffy knocks Morgan to the ground. Meanwhile, Helmeppo takes Coby hostage. But Coby declares that he will not stand in the way of Luffy's dream, even if it means death. Luffy strikes Helmeppo, while Zoro takes out Morgan right before he can kill Luffy. As Morgan collapses, the Marines toss their weapons into the air in celebration of their captain's defeat. Later, Luffy, Zoro, and Coby are in the town restaurant with Rika and her mom. Marines step into the restaurant, and as Luffy and Zoro are pirates, they must leave the island immediately. Luffy and Zoro get ready to go, and the head of the Marines asks if Coby is with them. Luffy goes on to explain that Coby spent time aboard Alvida's pirate ship as her slave, and this makes Coby angry as it will ruin his chances of enrolling in the Marines. Coby punches Luffy, in response Luffy beats Coby to near death. The Marines see Coby is not with them, and so order Luffy and Zoro to leave. As they do, Coby asks to join the Marines, and is accepted. Outside, Luffy and Zoro climb into their boat, and as they set sail, the Marines salute them for saving the town, including Coby. Coby vows to meet Luffy again, as a Marine meeting a pirate.