After beating someone wielding a knife with the aid of a mysterious savior, Ryōko Okami is confessed to by a shy Ryōshi Morino, and subsequently turns him down. When her friend Ringo Akai does a background check on him, she decides to recruit him into the Otogi Bank, a business that fulfills various requests for students in return for some favors. A client, Kakari Haibara arrives and requests for them to keep her senpai, Akihiro Ōji, from quitting the tennis club due to an injury. The Otogi Bank tries using Ryōshi's ability to remain unnoticed to stop Akihiro's resignation form from being approved, but with unsuccessful results. With only a matter of time before the form is handed in, Ryōshi rides Kakari to Akihiro in a pumpkin bicycle constructed by Majolica le Fay, though due to its lack of brakes, it crashes and Kakari ends up knocking him out, leaving her shoe behind in the retreat. Later that day, Ryōko and Ringo are confronted by the thug from earlier along with his buddies, and Ryōshi gets injured protecting her from a surprise attack. After defeating the thugs, Ryōko accepts Ryōshi as one of her companions. The next day, Akihiro, realizing by way of a Cinderella method that Kakari was the one who kicked him, promises her that they will play tennis together.