Kinshiro Toyama sends Tenho and Tenten to follow the old man in the streets, in order to investigate his real identity. Tadakuni Mizuno soon orders Torii and Toyama not to approach the old man, not knowing they have already done so. Tenho and Tenten arrive at the old man's home, finding many occult relics and items in a chamber. When Ginjiro finds them from outside, the two hide inside the chamber, only to be turned into cats. It is also found out that Seikichi and Sora have previously turned into cats as well. The old man returns and zaps the four back to their original forms. Toyama also arrives to clarify the reason behind his orders. Though Tenho and Tenten had intended to protect Seikichi and Sora, they are asked to leave the row house, however they first enjoy a cookout planned by the residents.