As Ayuko goes to the festival with Kouhei, she spots Tsubaki with Aika and decides to follow them. As Tsubaki tries to hold off the advances of Aika, Urabe appears in a box robot, suggesting they do a blind taste test of each of their drool to see which Tsubaki prefers. Akira instantly gets a nosebleed from Urabe's drool, due to the fact that she was naked inside her costume. Aika gets naked and attempts to give Tsubaki her drool, but she stops when she starts crying, making it clear that her advances on Tsubaki were simply an attempt to get over losing her boyfriend, who had feelings for someone else even when he was dating her. Urabe tries some of Aika's drool, sensing she has long had unrequited love but assuring her she'll one day find the right someone. Just then, Tsubaki's blindfold gets shaken off and he sees the girls naked, prompting slaps from the both of them. As Tsubaki and Urabe leave together, she tells him that her eventual kiss with him will be her first, prompting a smile when she tries his drool.