Tsubaki runs into Aika who, having just been dumped by her boyfriend, reveals how she knew of Akira's feelings for her when he lies about not having a girlfriend. Aika gives Tsubaki the opportunity to try some of her drool, but he backs out realising it could damage his bond with Urabe, bringing to light that he does have a girlfriend. The next day, Aika decides to approach Urabe, inviting her to her school's culture festival on Sunday with the news that Tsubaki might be there. Later that night, Aika calls out Tsubaki with a fake wound on her face, manipulating Tsubaki into coming to the festival with her and pretending to be her boyfriend. Tsubaki tries to come up with an alibi in front of Urabe, but she soon learns the truth from Ayuko. As Tsubaki goes to the festival on Sunday, Aika shows up wearing her old middle school uniform.