Tsubaki has a dream where he got to squeeze Urabe's breast and can't get the sensation out of his head. Taking a stroll, he decides to go in the direction Urabe usually takes after school and comes up to an apartment block, which turns out to be where Urabe lives. Urabe invites Tsubaki into her apartment for a drink, where his imagination starts to get the better of him. After catching Mikoto as she trips after being spooked by some lightning, Tsubaki almost reaches for her breast but Urabe stops him. After getting Tsubaki to tell her about his dream, she feeds him some drool whilst grabbing her own breast, giving him a stronger sense of the feeling. She then allows Tsubaki the opportunity to touch them for himself, which causes Tsubaki to become more aggressive and tease her ears until he notices Urabe is crying and leaves. The next day, after Urabe gets some advice from Ayuko about the new experiences she is feeling, Tsubaki asks Urabe to slap him as a way of apology. Afterwards, Urabe explains the feeling she gets when her ear is touched before taking on Tsubaki's bruise herself.