While shopping for clothes, Tsubaki is met by Ayuko who talks to him about using first names with her boyfriend, Kouhei. Ayuko deduces that Urabe and Tsubaki do not use each others' first names via an abridged drool swapping with Tsubaki. She then accosts Urabe similarly and talks to her about first names briefly before Urabe excuses herself. At the park Tsubaki preys upon a sleeping Urabe by whispering her first name "Mikoto" to her. Tsubaki has another weird dream again and blurts out that he wants a photo of Urabe when they are walking to school. Later, Tsubaki is waiting for Urabe at a bridge and his old crush, Aika Hayakawa, invites him to a coffee date. After he declines the invitation, Tsubaki finds Urabe hiding at one of the bridge ends and says she did not want to interrupt the conversation. While walking back, Urabe and Tsubaki talk about Tsubakis's crush. After a drool swap, the two understand each others feelings before Tsubaki whips out the camera again to try and take a photo of Urabe who lets him take a picture with her tongue sticking out.