The duel between Setsuna and Graham ends with Setsuna emerging victorious. However, he chooses not to finish off Graham and leaves as he tells him to live for the future. Setsuna and the others review Wang Liu Mei's information and determine that a fierce battle against A-Laws will ensue as they journey to Veda's core at L2. While Gundams' superior weaponry is able counter the A-Laws's vast fleet sent to crush Celestial Being once and for all, particle disruptors employed by the A-Laws removes their advantage. Intervention from Katharon and a counterattack by the coup d'état forces under the command of Kati Mannequin throws the A-Law's fleet into disarray. Meanwhile, Ribbons attempts to intervene in Regene's plans by reading his thoughts, but ends up taking a bullet to the head when Regene shoots him.