Upon arrival at Goiana, Satoshi attempts to coerce a local crime boss named Juninho to search for Hiroshi. However, Juninho is already out to get Hiroshi for some outstanding debts. As a result, Satoshi injures Juninho and takes back the money, not wanting to be responsible for the paying out the debts. Meanwhile, as Michiko continues to elude police, she ends up cornered at a traveling carnival, taking three carnival workers as hostages. As the police shut down the main power, she still manages to escape in the streets. One of the policemen accidentally shoot a hostage, and the lead detective decides to pin the killing on Michiko. Hatchin goes out on the streets to look for Michiko, not heeding Satoshi's warnings. When Satoshi finds Hatchin, Juninho attempts many times to snipe Satoshi from a distance. Satoshi takes the hit when Hatchin calls out for Michiko and leaves herself out in the open. Michiko drives her scooter and takes Hatchin with her, evading from being shot at by Satoshi. Juninho and his men gun Satoshi down in an alleyway as he says his name and vows to kill them. Elsewhere, Michiko and Hatchin are surrounded by the police force.