Satoshi has a run-in with Heike, but he manages to escape before Xinsque arrives. Meanwhile, Michiko and Hatchin manage to hop on a freight train bound for Goiana, being able to hide from Ricardo's sharp eyes. On the freight train, Atsuko tries to negotiate with Michiko, offering a passport that would be her ticket to freedom, while Hatchin attempts to reason with Satoshi, who is looking for Hiroshi as well. Xinsque's subordinate Chas drives in front of the freight train, causing a detrimental crash on the railroad tracks. After Satoshi takes Michiko's scooter and drives off with Hatchin in tow, Michiko reaches for Atsuko's gun tossed aside in desperation, but not long before taking hits from Atsuko. As Michiko departs, Atsuko cries while reminiscing childhood memories about Michiko.