After being demoted, Atsuko is reassigned to Ilha Azul, a small town on the edge of the jungle, under the surveillance of her senior officer Amado. Atsuko meets a rebellious girl named Vanessa Lee, who was caught stealing potatoes nearby. After Atsuko buys Vanessa a sandwich out of sympathy, Vanessa returns the favor by giving Atsuko a coconut while on duty. Vanessa later takes Atsuko to the beach, where the former shares her plan of finding a golden pot hidden inside the chamber of the ruins of Temanaga, which will acquire enough fortune to move out of town and get on with life. Atsuko encounters Ricardo, who is seeking a promotion by volunteering to keep a close eye on her. At night, Atsuko and Vanessa travel inside the chamber, but Atsuko prevents Vanessa from going any further due to toxic gas buildup. Luckily, they both make it out alive the next morning despite their failure in retrieving the golden pot. When Atsuko finds a photograph of Hiroshi and Elis in the newspaper, she decides to help Ricardo receive his promotion by heading to a tomato production plant.