While having breakfast with Shogo, Yuzurina reveals that she is not the person who says that she married Shogo during his father's funeral. After being absent from class, Miyabi receives a visit from Shogo and Konoe, but the latter leaves abruptly to get some tea for them. After a moment of awkward silence, Miyabi proposes to go on a date with Shogo, much to his shock. That evening, Yuzurina apprises Shogo that Konoe was the person who came to his father's funeral asking for marriage, much to his disbelief. The next day, Miyabi returns to class much livelier yet Konoe worries for her. Realizing something, Shogo barges into the student council office and asks Rinka for information. Days later, Shogo and Miyabi head out on their date while Ikusu caught a glimpse of Yuzurina as a character in "Transforming Warrior Granberion", Shogo's favorite show during his childhood.