Miuna and her friend Sayu ask Hikari to come up with a plan to split up Akari and Miuna's father, Itaru. Hikari declines, claiming that he despises underhanded schemes. In home economics class, Manaka decides to have some of her classmates taste the dish she made with her friends in an attempt to befriend them. But they shove her away, dropping it on the ground and cause a commotion in class. The boys reluctantly apologize only after being urged to by Tsumugu. Shortly after, Hikari and Manaka discover that someone has vandalized the Ojoshi and Hikari assumes the same boys are the culprits. He accuses them and "chests" one of the boys as retaliation. Later, Sayu admits to Miuna that she was the one who vandalized the Ojoshi (which Chisaki and Kaname discover while cleaning up), but remembering Hikari's words, Miuna reprimands her friend for doing so. While returning home, Hikari and Manaka rescue Itaru from drowning after he borrowed some diving gear to see Akari at the village. Meanwhile, Akari reveals to Uroko-sama that she was friends with Miuna and her family, and after Miuna's mother died, she decided to take care of her and her father in her place, but with Miuna's rejection, she decided to give up on it. After Miuna falsely claims that she was the one who destroyed the offering, Hikari makes amends with the boys that he wrongly accused with Manaka's help, while Kaname makes Sayu confess the truth to Hikari. This makes Chisaki sad as once again Manaka helps Hikari while she could do nothing for him.