To honor their fallen comrades, the Nautilus sets course for the underwater graveyard of Atlantis. On the way, Nadia begins to question everything that has happened and wonders why she was chosen to wield the Blue Water. Jean learns from Sonar Officer Eiko that the latter was a survivor on a French ship which was sunk by the Garfish. The boy is traumatically shocked when he adds that its captain is none other than his missing father. As the coffins are prepared for burial, Jean wanders off alone and throws away his wrench, deciding that he no longer wishes to invent if technology is so dangerous. Nadia is sad to see him so gloomy and tries to cheer him up. She succeeds by reminding him of the promise he made to her when they were in France. The episode ends when Fait and his comrades are laid to rest in the soil, with Nadia crying on Jean's shoulder.