Jean, Nadia, and the others are appointed as apprentice crew members aboard the Nautilus, each assigned to a different position. Jean, Sanson, and Hanson are given lessons by Sonar Officer Eiko Villan about the Nautilus, Marie and King are schooled by Electra (much to the little girl's infuriation), while Grandis and Nadia work in the rather extraordinary kitchen. Grandis tries to impress Nemo by cooking a (rather ugly) platter of fish, but things don't go as she expects. Later, King snatches Grandis' own dinner and there is a wild chase which results with King ending up in the Nautilus's forbidden engine room. When Jean retrieves him, Nemo explains that the Nautilus is powered by a particle annihilation engine that could potentially take them up to the stars… but also destroy the world if used improperly.