Yuri is suddenly pulled back to the other world but instead of ending up in a water source as usual he ends up in a barrel of alcohol. Günter and Conrad soon arrive with Greta in tow. It seems there's unrest with the humans wanting to start a war and that Conrad and the others did not summon Yuri this time. If anything they are more desperate to send him back to Earth! Greta was riding with Conrad and Yuri with Günter when Günter is shot by an arrow! Conrad instructs Yuri and Greta to go to the church but as soon as he locks the door these weird guys with guns show up! Conrad tells him to throw holy water on a painting and that it will send him home. However during the battle Yuri witnesses Conrad fight and then lose his arm before he's knocked into the painting. He is sent home... or is he? What happened to Conrad and Greta did they make it out of the fire too?