After removing Junketsu, Ryuko reunites with Senketsu and battles Nui, during which Ryuko recovers both scissor blades and severs Nui's arms. Nui is rescued by Ragyo's secretary, Rei Hououmaru, while the Elite Four and Nudist Beach take advantage of the COVERS used for her escape to recover their allies and Life Fibers. Afterwards, Satsuki offers to let Ryuko punch her in penance for manipulating her, but the Elite Four stand in the way of her blows. Recognizing that Satsuki also has friends who support her, Ryuko accepts her sister's apology and accepts to fight alongside her. After a reconciliatory celebration, Satsuki explains Ragyo's plan to transmit the Primordial Life Fiber's signal across Earth, absorbing all human beings into a massive Life Fiber cocoon, called the Starseed Cocoon Sphere, to cover the planet. Ryuko and Satsuki head off together to face Ragyo, while Mako, equipped with a new Two-Star Goku Uniform, stays behind with the others to defend the Naked Sol from giant-sized COVERS.