Gale plans to destroy the small village of Letto by sending its people to different towns. In order to save the place he has grown to love, Noah tries to persuade Gale to take him and not harm the village. Gale refuses, however, and Keith, who wants to fight back, strikes up a rebellion. Gale and Keith engage in a battle, but are interrupted by Aisha, who begs them to stop. Gale stabs Aisha, enraging Keith, who attacks him. Noah watches as both Gale and Keith strike final blows upon the other, killing each other. Suddenly, flames erupt around Noah, seemingly caused by some power he possesses. A dazed Noah carries the dying Aisha out of the flame. A portal opens up and he asks her to come with him away from Letto, but she refuses, saying it is her home. Noah leaves Letto through the portal and wakes up in another strange country, as Aisha is seen collapsed, presumably dead.