After being rendered unconscious and sent to the infirmary, Nai is telepathically contacted by Karoku, who tells Nai to part ways with Gareki before he breaks. When Nai wakes up to cut ties with Gareki, the latter departs, leaving the former in tears. Ryoushi discovers that Nai is a chimera of a human and a Niji, an endangered forest creature that resides in the Rainbow Forest. Since this realization, Gareki confronts Nai for cutting ties with him, finding out that Nai was contacted by Karoku telepathically. This leads Gareki to believe that Karoku is an enigma. Nai, Gareki and Yogi go to the Research Tower for lab testing of cell infusion with Varugas, to which they are tested clean. The three are joined by Akari, as they travel to the Rainbow Forest to learn more about Nai's origins. While there, they are attacked by insect-like Varugas near a cave.