Gareki goes into town for some food for Nai, but Nai goes off on his own. During a parade by Circus, Nai narrowly escapes from an agent of Kafka, and Gareki follows Nai in an alleyway. However, another agent suddenly incapacitates Gareki with a electroshock weapon, while the first agent captures Nai. Yogi, who first appears wearing a cat costume named Nyanperowna, easily scares off the agents. Yogi brings Nai and Gareki onto Airship Two, where Hirato explains that Miné was a Varuga, a human experiment created by Kafka. While Circus is summoned to investigate a crime, Hirato leaves Yogi and Tsukumo to guard Nai and Gareki. A game of hide-and-seek goes awry when Nai crawls into the air duct to the forest outside, where he is attacked by Varugas named Delmen and Nima. Gareki, Yogi and Tsukumo arrive to prevent Nai from being abducted. Their game of hide-and-seek finally finishes and Nai is proclaimed the winner, being brought back safely onto Airship Two by a Hitsuji, a black sheep of Airship Two's defense system. Nai is sent powerful brain waves, revealing a scene with Karoku shown in a dark greenhouse full of roses with Eliška.