Ookuninushi, lord of the Grand Shrine and host of the Divine Assembly, personally asks Nanami to go to Yomotsu Hirasaka, the portal to the Netherworld where only gods can enter and exit, for two days to prevent any yokai from passing through. In exchange, Nanami requests Ookuninushi to search the whereabouts of Mikage. When Otohiko takes Nanami to Yomotsu Hirasaka, Nanami is shocked to see Kirihito being taken into the Netherworld by a yokai named Tekkimaru, who immediately rots from the purple flames. Nanami comes in after Kirihito and tries to grab hold of him. Meanwhile, Tomoe returns to the shrine after a stressful morning, and because he misses Nanami already, he decides to go to the World Over Yonder to drink himself to sleep. A group of tanuki yokai geisha discuss that their caretaker named Mizutama witnessed when Akura-Ou slaughtered a group of apprentice geisha at an okiya 600 years ago, having her life spared by Tomoe before running away. Tomoe, waking up after thinking about Nanami, rushes back to the shrine, only to learn that he has to study for a vocabulary test in the morning. In the Netherworld, Nanami and Kirihito evade a mob of caveman yokai, and they are later summoned to meet Izanami, the Goddess of the Netherworld.