Caldina is determined to kill the girls in order to receive the pile of money she had been promised by Zagato. Ascot does not wish to harm the girls anymore, and tries to convince Caldina not to attack them but fails. Caldina uses her "bells" to hypnotize Hikaru and Umi against Fuu. Fuu uses her magic to hold them back, but does not know that Caldina is only a few steps away. Caldina reveals herself, and forces Fuu to attack Hikaru and Umi. Ascot blocks an attack, and Caldina stops and freezes him. Fuu breaks through, and hits Caldina with a spell. A moment after, Caldina and Fuu start to talk. Fuu explains, even though they do not know each other well enough, she cares for them. Fuu uses Ascot as an example, and Caldina seems to understand. Caldina unfreezes Ascot, and Hikaru and Umi wake up. They want to attack her, but Fuu stops them. She then explains everything about what just happened with Caldina. Caldina and Ascot then proclaim that they are not going back to the castle and run off. Fuu then uses her spell to heal each other, and it is one closer step on bringing Zagato and his servants down.