In the territory Nemetacum, Thenardier dispatches his son Zion to destroy Alsace as a sign of dominance now that the Brune prince Regnas has been killed. The soothsayer Drekavac gives Zion two dragons to be used as war beasts. In Leitmeritz, Tigre desperately tries to get back to protect his homeland. When Elen stops him and asks what Tigre alone could possibly do against 3,000 soldiers, he asks her to let him borrow her army. Greatly amused, Elen accepts on the condition that she will rule Alsace, which Tigre complies. In Alsace, Tigre's maid Titta helps to evacuate the citizens but decides to stay at Tigre's home. While Zion's forces start pillaging the town, Zion decides to destroy the mansion. Zion attempts to molest Titta, only to be forced to retreat after being interrupted by the timely arrival of Tigre and Elen. When an enemy archer tries to shoot Tigre, he catches the arrow and shoots it back, destroying his bow in the process. Titta gives Tigre the Black Bow, an heirloom of his ancestors.