Nyanta immediately clashes with Londark and learns that Plant Hywaden intends to trigger the war which Shiroe had once proposed as a possibility. Nyanta tries his best to reason with Londark and resonates with his understandable hatred towards having no control in his new reality. However Mizufa Trudy grotesquely silences him and proceeds to clash with an enraged Nyanta. After learning little more from Mizufa other than her warped world view, the fight eventually forces Nyanta to go for a death blow until Kazuhiko steps in. Meanwhile, after Tohya saw through her facade, Nureha decides to end the attack on Safil in some whimsical fantasy that she might receive Shiroe's approval. Back on the train, Nyanta deduces that Kazuhiko may have been somehow corrupted by Plant Hwayden despite being a double agent for the Round Table. Nyanta then presses his former Tea Party comrade for answers and Kazuhiko responds by throwing him off the train. As the battle of Safil wages on, the junior party do what they can to help and Isuzu has some self-reflection. Eventually, Isuzu and the others race back to Tohya, and when the Odyssey Knights' world view brings Isuzu to tears, she performs a song to highlight her hope for the world.