The raiding party proceeds through the gates to the lowest level of the Depths of Palm and find themselves in a raid zone called "The Abyssal Shaft". Dividing themselves into four teams of six, the party battle their way through hordes of monsters to the first raid boss called Vendémiarie of the First Prison and find themselves vastly overpowered by its one-hit kills and debuffs, forcing them to retreat multiple times until finally defeating it through trial and error. After spending three weeks in the raid dungeon, and defeating two bosses, the party hits a major hurdle when they fail to encounter the other bosses in addition to running short on supplies. During a brief period of rest, William recalls the events which led him and his guild to settle in Susukino, and eventually laments dragging his guild members on large raids. At the same time, Demiquas' anger towards Shiroe further increases. As Shiroe wastes little time in planning the party's next move, Naotsugu explains to Tetra of the lengths Shiroe would be willing to go to protect his home in Akihabara. Back in Akihabara, as Christmas draws nearer, the Log Horizon members discuss the new "Teachings" skill which appeared after the Apocalypse. Meanwhile a malevolent figure threateningly watches over the city of Akihabara.