Oji attempts to recruit members for his new band, the New Black Heaven, and has his son Gen draw the "space attitude" recruitment poster. However, the new members are 2 argumentative UFO fanatics and an astrology nut who believes Oji was her dog in a former life; not surprisingly, the band does not work out. The 3 stoogies Kotoko, Eriko, and Rinko brought a number of people (including children) named "Bando," thinking that what is needed. The aliens are debating whether to have Oji play solo or in a "band," a new concept the aliens. When Oji plays solo, however, his guitar string breaks. To his surprise, he finds all 3 of his former bandmates at the stage, and they play until they defeat the aliens' enemies. Later, Layla reveals that she is beginning to feel the power of human music.