In the woods, Chūtarō encounters Kagami, who escaped from Gokumonjo. Chūtarō is shaken after Kagami explains that Tenka was a sacrifice. At the Yamainu Squad headquarters, Kiiko and Seiichirō Takamine learn from Sōsei that Tenka was not the Orochi's vessel. Kitamura and Tsuchiya report to Soramaru and Shirasu about Chūtarō and Kagami being spotted together in the woods. Sōsei requests Mutsuki Ashiya to conjure familiars to break into Gokumonjo. At a manor in the woods, Takamine overhears from Hirari that Tenka was a proxy for the Orochi's vessel. However, Takamine is soon attacked by an unknown Orochi's vessel. The next day, Soramaru is caught off guard when awakening to nearly strangling Nishiki. Later, Sōsei tells Soramaru that Tenka chose to end his life quickly, then Takeda tells Sōsei that Takamine was taken to the hospital after being attacked in the woods. Botan brings Ashiya to the Kumō Shrine in search of the Kumō family twin swords, the artifacts that were swallowed when the Orochi was sealed. Soramaru later realizes that he is the real Orochi's vessel, remembering that he attacked Takamine. While Shirasu takes Botan to retrieve Chūtarō, Botan believes that using the twin swords would spare the Orochi's vessel.