600 years ago during the Kamakura period, Hirari saved Botan from several ninjas chasing her. Kiyotsuna Sasaki, who was the guardian of the Omi Shrine, thanked Hirari for his good deed. However, Kagemitsu forbade Hirari from touching Botan. Sasaki and Kagemitsu both believed Hirari to be pure, seeing that his mission was to eliminate the Orochi. Later on, several ninjas surrounded the shrine. Hirari learned that Mangetsu Ashiya, an onmyo mage, created the ninjas with magic. Botan used her own onmyo magic to destroy the ninjas, revealing herself as a familiar specifically conjured to seal the Orochi. Although Botan temporarily tied Hirari to a tree so he would not get in the middle of the fight, Mangetsu suddenly retreated without a trace. Hirari embraced Botan and confessed his feelings, though Kagemitsu suspected Hirari to be the Orochi's vessel. Hirari soon realized that Sasaki was the Orochi's vessel, transforming the human host into a serpent. Hirari, Botan and Kagemitsu worked together to defeat the Orochi, but Hirari sacrificed his left arm while protecting Botan. Once Hirari stabbed the Orochi, Botan completed her spell chant and sealed the Orochi. With her duty fulfilled, Botan gradually vanished like flower petals into the sky.