After it is learned that Tenka will be publicly executed at the Orochi Shrine, Soramaru expresses his feelings about being kept in the dark to Chūtarō, Shirasu, Botan and Ōta. Botan explains that Kagemitsu Kumō, the head of the Kumō family, helped Abe no Hirari and Botan seal the Orochi 600 years ago where Gokumonjo currently stands. Now the Orochi has chosen Tenka as its new human host, despite Tenka having shown paternal and maternal instincts towards Soramaru and Chūtarō. As Tenka approaches the noose, Kitamura and Tsuchiya try to prevent the execution from taking place, but Tenka knocks them unconscious for good reason. Sōsei shows up and questions Tenka as to why he left the Yamainu Squad long ago, but Tenka says that dreams go sour. When Soramaru and Chūtarō force their way pass the policemen in the courtyard to the shrine, Tenka embraces them one last time before a crowd of people arrive in protest against the execution. As Soramaru and Chūtarō weep in anguish while Shirasu and Botan grieve in silence, Tenka is publicly executed at sunset.