The surviving Adamas Squadron is approached by Vasant, who is now firmly opposed to Luscinia's callous treatment. She offers to help the Adamas Squadron fight back. Fam, Giselle and Millia return to find Kartoffel badly damaged from the bombardment, but the Sky Pirates are still fine and busy rebuilding their home. After Millia makes plans to steal the Anshar and fly to the United Kingdom of Anatoray-Disith to gather more forces, she declares her vow to kill Liliana. Meanwhile, Luscinia orders Sadri to invade the United Kingdom of Anatoray-Disith in one week and leaves to fulfill a secret mission. The Ades Federation generals are concerned about Luscinia's odd behavior, highly uncomfortable about his willingness to use the destructive power of the Exile. Fam challenges her friend Fritz to a vanship race. Millia remembers that she wishes to make everyone smile just as Fam does, reconsidering her plans to kill Liliana. After the race, Millia receives a letter written by Sārā, who has dropped her support for Luscinia and advocated a ceasefire regardless of national allegiance, asking Millia to join a coalition to defeat Luscinia. Millia surmises that this decision was spurred by someone in the Ades Federation against Luscinia.