Fam, Giselle and Millia fly back to Glacies as soon as possible to warn Dyan. The Ades Federation provincial fleets begin their invasion, only to be quickly destroyed by the Rocket Fighter squadrons. Fan and Millia manage to warn Dyan, but the Third and Fourth Fleets shred the Rocket Fighter squadrons with auto-cannons. With only a few Rocket Fighter squadrons left, Dyan tells Fam, Giselle and Millia to leave Glacies, while the squadrons take on the fleets. Kayvān of the Second Fleet head towards the capital stronghold of Glacies. In Morvarid, fearing the war will brand Sārā as a mass murderer, Vasant just learns that the provincial fleets died during the invasion. With the Second and Fourth Fleets destroying their ground defenses, the leaders of Glacies activate the Glacies Exile as their final weapon, which is revealed to be the stronghold itself, decimating the Second and Fourth Fleets. Fam, Giselle and Millia arrive at a nearby Sky Pirate settlement called Spargel to refuel, but they find it bombarded and abandoned due to the work of the Ades Federation long-range auto-cannons. Luscinia summons Liliana to activate the Turan Exile in order to attack and destroy the Glacies Exile.