Fifteen-year-old pilot Fam Fan Fan and navigator Giselle Collette are among Sky Pirates who ride smaller vanships called Vespas. With the help of their fellow Sky Pirates, Fam and Giselle capture an Old Federal Battleship led by Ades Federation captain Ernest Cirrus Lindemann. Meanwhile at the Grand Lake, Liliana il Grazioso Merlo Turan and her younger sister Millia il Velch Cutrettola Turan, princesses of the Kingdom of Turan, prepare for a peace treaty with the powerful Ades Federation led by Premier Luscinia Hāfez, Liliana's childhood friend. However, the peace treaty is a ruse to capture the princesses while the larger Ades Federation fleet attacks the unprepared Turan fleet. The Sky Pirates learn of the attack and head to the Grand Lake. Fam offers to rescue the princesses in exchange for surrendering the flagship Lasas to them. Thanks to Fam and Giselle, along with the other Sky Pirates, the Ades Federation fleet is tricked into shooting each other due to smokescreens and faked light signals, as well as fooled into believing the Lasas has sunk. Now under the safety of the Sky Pirates, Liliana orders to head back to Iglasia, the coastal capital of Turan, to prepare for Luscinia's next attack.