As Exile enters Disith territory while continuing its indiscriminate attack, the alliance fleet loses one-quarter of its battleships, but Sophia declares to her crew that this has become a war of attrition. In the Grand Stream, Dio pursues Claus's vanship, reliving their race at Horizon Cave. However, Dio falls into despair upon realizing that Lucciola is no longer with him and is thrown off his vanship by a gust of wind. The Urbanus leads the remaining ships of the alliance fleet in protecting the Silvana as it makes a final attack to destroy Delphine's Guild Presence Ship, sadly with Alexander still held captive inside. Claus and Lavie finally cross the Grand Stream into Disith, completing the feat that their fathers could not achieve. As Alvis is brought to Exile, Claus recites all four Mysteria. After Alvis responds to each one, Exile sheds its defensive cocoon to reveal a starship, which contains the vanship and remains of Hamilcar and Georges. The world of Prester is revealed to be in the shape of an hourglass, and Exile takes Claus, Lavie, Alvis, Tatiana, Alister, Holly, Mullin and Dunya back to Earth. They all enjoy a peaceful life together with their children.