As the Anatoray and Disith alliance fleet and the Guild fleet approach Exile, it indiscriminately attacks them both, forcing the alliance fleet to fall back to save their remaining battleships from being destroyed. Delphine's Guild Presence Ship is still left unharmed from Exile. Claus and Alvis rendezvous at a fueling station in the Dragon's Fangs and makes the journey to the Grand Stream, switching vanships and navigators after each checkpoint until he is reunited with Lavie. After the first checkpoint with Alister as the navigator, Claus arrives at the second checkpoint with Tatiana as the navigator. On the way, Claus dogfights with two Guild Starfish. When Exile receives a pulse signal, it begins to retreat from the Grand Stream towards Disith, followed by both fleets. At the Casino Royale, the last checkpoint before the Grand Stream, Claus and Alvis reunite with Lavie, who holds the message tube containing the Mysterion of House Bassianus. They fly together in Claus and Lavie's vanship, which has been reinforced for the journey in the Grand Stream. Claus, Lavie and Alvis are then intercepted by Dio, who has run away from the Mad-thane residence in a white vanship.