Claus and Tatiana make an emergency landing in a desert after their vanship hits the Urbanus as the rock spires fall. Claus attempts to generate enough power for the engine of their vanship, but to no avail. While Tatiana feels despaired that she lost Alister, Claus believes that they should still look for the Silvana. Meanwhile, migrants from Disith prepare for an evacuation to Anatoray, but the migration capsules are rather unsafe for takeoff, one of which collapses to the ground. Claus learns that Tatiana comes from a noble family abandoned by the Anatoray government, during which she reached the top of her class in the military academy until she was eventually forced to discontinue her studies. Claus successfully gives the vanship enough lift to glide across the desert, allowing the two of them to head a designated emergency resort of Silvana. Upon arrival, Claus and Tatiana are captured by Disith musketeers. They escape when Dunya Scheer, a young musketeer who was guarding them, rushes to the landing field of Disith migration capsules. However, Dunya shoots her rifle in the air and cries in grief upon learning that none of the refugees inside the migration capsules survived the launch.