Following Claus and Lavie aboard the Silvana, Dio and Lucciola allow themselves to be captured. At the Imperial Capital, the Emperor begins to distrust Alexander's actions and sends the Urbanus to retrieve Alvis. Dio attempts to gain trust in Alexander by telling him about the Mysterion of House Eraclea. Unfortunately, the three Guild houses holding the remaining Mysteria were purged by Delphine. While Lavie serves as a full-time mechanic for Claus, it is soon learned that Alexander appointed Claus as a supervisor for Dio. Vincent Alzey, captain of the Urbanus, requests to meet with Alexander. When Alexander asks Claus to fly escort for his flight to the meeting, Alister defies Tatiana's disapproval and offers to be Claus's navigator. Alexander informs Vincent that he will not hand over Alvis and will fight to keep her aboard. Dio and Lucciola meet Lescius Dagobert, the chief engineer of the Silvana and a former member of the Guild. Dio then finds Alvis by herself in a weight room and recites her the Mysterion of House Eraclea, after which she falls into a trance and wreaks havoc on the battleship's systems.