Since Claus and Lavie failed to participate in the time attack, they will unfortunately start in last position for the upcoming 75th Norkia Cup Race. On the day of the race, vanship courier Ralph Wednesday is wounded while being pursued by a white combat ship known as a Guild Starfish. Meanwhile, Claus and Lavie eventually pull ahead of vanship pilots Fat Chicken and Sunny Boy to challenge defending champion Hurricane Hawk towards the final stage of the race. However, as Claus takes the lead from Hurricane Hawk, Ralph's vanship crosses their path. Both Hurricane Hawk and Ralph crash their vanships into the woods, and Claus decides to pull away from the race despite being in the lead. Claus and Lavie find the dying Ralph, who is on a mission to deliver a girl named Alvis E. Hamilton. The two decide to take over Ralph's job, but are discovered by the same Guild Starfish. In order to allow Claus and Lavie to escape, Ralph acts as a decoy in self-sacrifice by detonating a bomb near the Guild Starfish. Claus and Lavie escape to the river and discover that Alvis must be transported to the Silvana into the custody of Alexander Row.